The Lord Provides

Raindrops on a metal roof are one of my all-time favorite sounds. Each drop, a note, music falling from the sky! The Lord provides. This rain is overdue, our land is so dry. I worry about, scratch that, I pray for the farmers who struggle to produce and survive. I pray for our Idaho, where every hay…

God remains supreme and trying to justify the decisions of man to a child solidifies the disparity between our striving and his reigning.

Yesterday was “Spring Forward” and as we drove to church, I attempted to explain it to my almost 7-year-old daughter. Nothing quite equipped me to have these types of discussions with a tiny rational human who has not yet been indoctrinated into the groupthink of society. Our conversation went something like this; “yesterday at this…

Be still

I was in the bathroom this morning trying to get ready to leave for bible study, when you live on a farm there is always something to feed on top of the humans that inhabit my home, and getting out of the house with time to spare in the morning is part regiment part chaos….