Happy New Year

I was talking to my husband the other day about just how fast this year has gone by. I think most of us reflect like this when a new year is on the horizon. How did the last 12 months go by so quickly, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, funerals, and just like that another year has…

Stand up

Does the world seem crazy?  Have your values and views as a Christian caused you to lose friends?  Have you been hesitant to speak the truth to others because of the possibility of rejection or persecution? If anyone is willing to bravely declare, all the above I am right there with you. You are my…


I read an article years ago, and for some reason, I started thinking about it again today. It was about patience and willpower, the premise was that we as humans had a finite amount of both and once it was gone for the day, it was gone. Poof no more! Although the assertion made sense,…

Owl Tower

We have a post at the corner of our pasture fence line. The post is made from a large log and at a distance it looks like a great horned owl. I helped install this post last summer when we redid our south fence line. I have touched that corner post with my own hands,…