There is a storm coming…

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There is a storm coming the air is charged with anticipation. The animals on our farm know the storm is coming, their behavior has shifted they are more vigilant, and they forage and graze with intention knowing the storm might limit these activities for a spell. Yet on my farm none of the animals stand still, looking up at the sky and screaming, none ignore the shift they know the storm is inevitable. The storm is coming, I know it too as I move through chores with purpose, it does no good to resist or ignore, the storm is coming. Our life will also contain storms, trials, and adversity, and standing still, looking up at the sky, and screaming will not change circumstances. When the storm comes and it will, we can rest confidently in the promises in scripture.

For you, God tested us; you refined us like silver.

 You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs.

 You let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance.

Psalm 66:10-12 NIV

Storms are an opportunity to be refined if we can accept the season. We must recognize the circumstances might stink but Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior is GOOD, and He will NEVER forsake us. It is not always easy for me; my default setting is to resist or better yet ignore things I cannot fix I do not like to feel helpless. Yet the more I lean on Jesus, the more I am reminded of the promises in scripture.

 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30 NIV

Our 7-year-old daughter broke her elbow on Memorial Day, the injury was significant enough to require surgery and my mother’s heart broke. I have never personally experienced surgery, and now there I was, unable to fix my daughter. I was not strong enough to handle it, but He was, Jesus took the burden and made it light. During her 2-hour surgery, I paced and repeated her favorite verses in my head. The surgery was a success, the cast came off 4 weeks later and the only reminder of that time lives in our memories and three tiny scars on her left elbow from the pins that were placed during surgery.

He is still God, in the waiting, in the storm, and during the struggles. He doesn’t change, He doesn’t falter, he is still God.

I pray that you let the promises of scripture penetrate you, that they etch on the walls of your heart and give you strength to walk the path before you. That each step you take is a reminder that circumstances do not define you, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior is good, and he will never forsake you. You are precious, loved, bought, and paid for and He is with you this day and all the days of your life. You have a friend in Jesus.

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One thought on “There is a storm coming…

  1. I am not on FB is there a way I can get these in my e-mail? They are very inspiring to me, love your writing.

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