The Prince of Peace

Perhaps it is just me, but time watching the news correlates to my mental health and not in a good way. The more news I watch, the more I can feel the chaos of the world tossing my tiny life raft back and forth on the waves of society. We were not designed to live that way; we are called to a greater purpose in Jesus.

White as snow

We have a beautiful scarlet blanket; it was a gift. Unfortunately, the color bleeds and it has contaminated multiple loads of clothing when it has snuck its way into the wash. I can tell the clothes and the quilt that have been washed with this blanket by their faint red hue. Even after many washes…

Taking it ALL in

I was reading about the birth of Jesus in Luke and how Mary handled the commotion surrounding the birth of her firstborn, the precious Jesus Christ.  But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.  Luke 2:19 NIV  The storing of precious memories as mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, aunts,…

Stop, pause and praise

When was the last time you stopped to marvel at creation? Watched the sun turn the sky into an intricate painting of pink, blue, grey, and white. Or watched as the aerodynamically flawed bumblebee took flight? Thank goodness the bumblebee listened to God and not science or it would be destined to wander the earth…

What are you afraid of?

I was a milk toast Christian for many years, a closet Christian that would feel people out before discussing my faith. I did not want to defend or share my Christianity with others. I had timid faith and more concern over what the world thought of me than what God thought of me. I was…