Happy New Year

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I was talking to my husband the other day about just how fast this year has gone by. I think most of us reflect like this when a new year is on the horizon. How did the last 12 months go by so quickly, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, funerals, and just like that another year has come and gone.

Sometimes I find myself longing to cling to my children’s childhood, to marinate longer in their innocence, their reliance on me. I know it is fleeting, some days they seem to grow before my eyes.

I cannot slow down time, each heartbeat is a progression of this earthly life we can fight or embrace that fact, but it remains true, one precious earthly life.

I am drawn to Psalms 119:105,

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Psalms 119:105 NIV

I meditate on those words because although I cannot stop time or still the chaos of this world the goodness of God is always present. The words in scripture, light my path and are the beacon that calls me home.

As we usher in a New Year, let us lift our voices in praise and thanksgiving for our high priest and loyal friend Jesus Christ.


Happy New Year Friends.

Love, me