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I read an article years ago, and for some reason, I started thinking about it again today. It was about patience and willpower, the premise was that we as humans had a finite amount of both and once it was gone for the day, it was gone. Poof no more! Although the assertion made sense, I think it even had some snazzy scientific explanations for this phenomenon which jelled with my analytical mind. The more I grow as a Christian, I must challenge this idea. Not on merit, the article is likely accurate. As a busy homeschooling momma with a full plate I have experienced what seems like the end to my patience or willpower sometimes earlier in the day than I would like. I think we can all reflect on times when our patience tank felt like it started the day on empty, like the beep, beep, beep of the alarm clock sucked it right out of the marrow of our bones.

Here is what I would like to propose, this article was right, but it failed in one key area our Lord and Savior Jesus has an endless supply of patience and self-control we can access from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. We are not built to go it alone, and the practical proof for me is the number of times a week I pray for patience. The times a week that I am weary but need to show up in service to another and I confess to the Lord, I cannot do it alone. He has never failed me; I am always sustained WHEN I ASK. See that bold typeset, we have to ask, when I run out of patience and lose my cool it’s because I did not walk in the steps of Jesus, I speed walked past him and didn’t look back until I hit the wall. 

God never fails anyone. It is he who called you to belong to his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

1 Corinthians 1:9 NIV 

A few weeks ago, my son came into the house crying, alleging his sister kicked him in the head three times when they were playing on the swing set. My default setting when I let my flesh rule my life is to lose my cool. To start my walk out to the playset with a raised voice, calling my daughter by her first, middle, and last name. But this day, before I even made my way out of the house I stopped and asked the Holy Spirit to intervene and handle this conflict, to display for me the way. 

For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. 

Psalms 33:4 NIV

I walked out to the playset in silence with my son following behind, when I arrived at my daughter swinging, I didn’t say a word I just waited and listened. She immediately confessed to her failings, but also explained the situation which wasn’t as bad as it appeared. My son learned a valuable lesson about not digging for treasures in front of his sister on the swing or you are likely to get kicked in the head. 

I learned a valuable lesson too, why try to do it alone when we have access to as Joy Dawson put it in her book Jesus the model, “all knowledge, infinite wisdom, absolute justice, unwavering faithfulness, awesome holiness, limitless power, and unfathomable love.” That makes me seem just silly to do it on my own. 

When you feel like your patience or willpower is running low, ask yourself who is in control. Because if it’s Jesus, the tank is always full and He’s never too busy to intervene. 

Lord when I try to do it on my own, remind me of your desire for a relationship and your love for me. Thank you for yearning to be in fellowship with me! When my patience runs short bring to my mind times you have guided and supported me. The times you have navigated the complexities of the season of my life by my side. The times you have mended my spirit when it was crushed by the world and sustained me when I have gone too far on my own. I am humbled by your eternal love and mercy. Lord I lay down control, I put my faith and trust in you, Jesus.