Just needed light

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My daughter was assembling a Lego sleigh this morning in the dark. Only the glow of the fire to light the room, the sun slumbering as it does on these Winter days.

I was reading the Bible out loud as she assembled the toy and my son snuggled next to me asking questions like “what’s a straw tax” and “how do you turn justice to poison?” you know, normal questions of a 5-year-old tackling Amos in the Old Testament.

Over the onslaught of questions, I could hear her frustration mounting, “we are missing pieces!” and “this isn’t working!” and lastly, “I’m so frustrated!” Although I haven’t personally attempted to assemble Legos in the dark, I have tried to make plans for my life, and my day without consulting the Word of God and the bringer of the light, Jesus Christ.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Psalms 119:105 NIV

When we reject our design and drift from the Holy truth of Scripture, we lack the guidance we need to thrive in a complicated, sin-ridden world. We grow frustrated and nothing works as we have planned. As my 7-year-old daughter and her Lego sleigh, expressed “we are missing pieces!” That piece is Jesus and the Word of God to light our path. This morning my daughter left her Lego project frustrated but returned later when the sun had crested the East mountains and the room was filled with light. She was overjoyed to realize she wasn’t missing pieces, she just needed light.

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

John 8:12 NIV

Lord, all I need is You to navigate this world. Help me to use Your light to guide my path and to lavish others with Your loving kindness. When I try to go it alone, remind me of my place, my purpose, and design. Thank you, Jesus. -Amen