The Lord Provides

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Raindrops on a metal roof are one of my all-time favorite sounds. Each drop, a note, music falling from the sky! The Lord provides. This rain is overdue, our land is so dry. I worry about, scratch that, I pray for the farmers who struggle to produce and survive. I pray for our Idaho, where every hay and cornfield seems to be gobbled up by sprawling subdivisions. I pray for the right words to answer my children’s questions about the world, “how will they feed everyone with the fields gone?” Such complicated questions I can hardly answer for myself. As hay, grain, and gas prices soar, I’m not even sure how we will keep our small-scale farm operational. 

13 He waters the mountains from his upper chambers;

     the land is satisfied by the fruit of his work.

 14 He makes grass grow for the cattle,

     and plants for people to cultivate—

     bringing forth food from the earth:

 15 wine that gladdens human hearts,

     oil to make their faces shine,

     and bread that sustains their hearts.

Psalms 104:13-15 NIV

This I know in the marrow of my bones as I listen to the melodic beat of the rain, the Lord is faithful and will provide. He answers prayers, His steadfast love remains. 

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV 

We are not promised a life without hardship, pain, or suffering, all those things are part of the human condition, but we do serve a loving God, a God who will never forsake us and has plans for His people. Just as the rain feeds the parched earth, let the Word of God seep into your heart, let his love fill the dark corners of your mind and wash the worry from your soul. The Lord provides!