The Lord pours into us, and we are to pour out ourselves in service to Him.

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I am not sure the right place to start a confession, but here we go. I have not been obedient when it comes to me writing what is placed on my heart to share. Yes, I have lots of reasons, scratch that excuses but they are just justifications for my disobedience. The Lord pours into us, and we are to pour out ourselves in service to Him. Forgive me Father, thank you for your grace and mercy on me. I am humbled by your love, I fail all the time, yet you still love me, you still show me the way. I’m so grateful!

Last week I was at the Dollar Tree, if you don’t have a Dollar Tree just imagine a dollar store of your preference, they are really all the same. While I was checking out the kind gentleman working the register noticed my shirt, it read, Jesus Forever. He quickly told me of the countless times he had tried to do things on his own and failed, as he put it “wrecked the car” he was clear that what he needed to do was move over and let Jesus drive.

We discussed the goodness of God and how we humans manage to screw everything up as my items for my daughter’s birthday party scanned. My shirt opened an opportunity with a stranger to talk about the goodness of God and the importance of us getting out of His way. I do not know what this gentleman’s week looked like, but it had been a rough week on the farm with stillborn twin lambs, a rejected set of twins, and my favorite ewe unable to stand and due any day with twins. My body was sore, my mind struggling to keep all the pieces together and this conversation in my ragged state was nourishment for my soul. I had been meditating on the words, “the Lord will provide” all week and doing my best to follow his lead. This brief interaction, this break from all the things at home that stole my focus was exactly what I needed. The Lord will provide, all we need to do is open our eyes to see, and our hearts to hear. Although I have the gift of vision I do not truly see, I am often blind to how God is working in my life and in the lives of those around me. I am like a horse with blinders, driven forward with my own intensity and purpose. 

Several times last week I shouted out, Lord, I need you! The final time I was rushing back from the mailbox, my body ached, my back on the verge of giving out from all the lifting of my down ewe. I was franticly trying to squeeze everything in and I was coming up short. Then from a quiet place in my heart I heard, “then slow down, I’m not going to go that fast.” Did anyone else need to hear that? 

The Lord doesn’t stop moving, we stop listening, we stop following his lead. This blog is linked to a Facebook page, every day since this blog post was put on my heart, I have received an alert of a new follower on that page. That has never happened in the life of the blog, every morning I have woken up with the reminder of how I’m called to serve Him through my writing. Why do I share all these things? I don’t know! But I do know it was put on my heart for a reason, I was called to write these words and I hope that late is better than never. I pray that these words are the elixir you need and when He calls, you answer because the Lord doesn’t stop moving, we stop listening, we stop following his lead.

Jesus, mighty Jesus, I put it all at your feet for I was never intended to carry it alone. Thank you for your love and your sacrifice. You pour into us, and we are to pour ourselves out in service to you. Aid me when I stumble, let your Word be the beacon that guides me home. Jesus, mighty Jesus, worthy lamb, you are so good, I cannot help but lift my voice in praise. -Amen