Embrace uncertainty

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We have had a dry spring in Idaho, a record drought according to those who keep track of seasonal weather patterns. Then last week, the weather changed as if all the seasons decided to come at once and do battle over Southwestern Idaho. Yesterday in an hour, it hailed, hard enough to hurt, and turned all my green pasture white, then it rained with force as the sun peeked through the clouds, then the wind came. In the past week, we have had sun, rain, snow, hailstorms, and blustery wind!

So much turmoil in the weather pattern has left me anxious. Every time I look out the window, I am met with something new, and frankly, I’m tired of being cold! Although soon, I’ll be tired of being hot, so it is good I am not in charge of the weather because I’m fickle. When I reflect on the chaotic weather this morning I am pulled into scripture. Tomorrow is Good Friday, the day we observe marking the crucifixion of our Lord and Savior Jesus at Calvery.

In Luke, 22 the leaders continue to plot against Jesus, a Passover meal is prepared, and Jesus and the disciples share the Last Supper before Jesus is betrayed. This is such a powerful chapter ending with Jesus being taken into custody and poor Peter fulfilling prophecy by denying Jesus three times. Oh, how my heart breaks for Peter, I can relate to his failure for it has been my own.

So much turmoil in this chapter, so much emotion packed into Luke Chapter 22. Each time I glance down at the page I cannot help but feel the burden of uncertainty and fear the disciples experienced in this quick timeframe. The highs of a beautiful dinner with Jesus as he poured out his love and lavished his friendship on those in attendance, it must have been such a special evening. Then the darkness in the garden as Jesus emptied his heart and tears in prayer to his Father in Heaven as the disciples slept, to Simon Peter slicing off the right ear of Malchus a servant to the high priest (John 18:10), and Jesus being taken into custody. So much emotion, tensions running high, uncertainty around every corner. This weather pattern was just what my simple brain needed to connect with the disciples, to pull me into the New Testament and the chapters surrounding the last few days before the death of Jesus. I can sit with my discomfort surrounding the uncertainty of the weather because all things point back to God if we are willing to drop our blinders and see. As we continue to walk on the sacred ground of this Holy Week, I pray that we recognize the beauty not only in the ideal but in the uncertainty and chaos of the day. Heavenly Father, let your will be done, move among your people this day!

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Psalms 19:1 NIV

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One thought on “Embrace uncertainty

  1. I was just thinking the same thing about being cold and how in a short time I’ll be complaining about being hot. I just want to be happy in Jesus, I want Him to be enough and more. I want Him to be my All.
    Thank you for sharing!
    Happy Resurrection Day!

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