You can rise, you can overcome, you can be made new

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It’s a rainy, dreary day and I can’t help but think of the intense sadness felt by the disciples as they huddled together, grieving, and confused after experiencing the brutal torture and death of Jesus on the Cross at Calvary. Feeling lost, alone, fearful, and questioning everything. How could this have happened? I imagine most reading this have experienced dark points in their life when nothing made sense when the sorrow was deafening and even huddled in a crowded room you felt alone.

You may be there right now, weighed down by a burden that threatens to consume you. There is a tomorrow, and although today might appear bleak, the rain like tears, tomorrow will come, and Christ who died for our sins will rise. You can rise, you can overcome, you can be made new.

If you are hurting today, I’m praying for you. I’m praying that just as the rain will cease and the sun will shine, you feel the warmth of Jesus in your life. You remember the sadness of the disciples this day which in a matter of hours will be replaced with immense joy as the news spread, He has risen!