Guard your heart brothers and sisters in Christ, fortify your home and your life against the parasites of sin and evil.

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Why do you boast in evil, O mighty man? 

The goodness of God endure continually. 

Psalms 52, verse 1. NKJV

Doeg was a bully and man filled with sin who committed evil acts, he provoked David, he is the inspiration for this psalm, but the message is not isolated to a time long, long ago. Sin and evil are pervasive in our fallen society. It does not take long to find it because like this scripture says, it is not hidden the world appears to boast in their sin, and evil finds a welcoming audience on social media, television, movies. I am frankly surprised I do not see hashtags #belikedoeg. 

This verse describes the goodness of God with the word continually, like the beauty of the infinity symbol, God’s goodness is perpetual, unending, eternal. 

There are some variations of verbiage in various translations but in all translations, there is boasting of the sinful flesh and a reminder that God is eternal. If you gravitate to a Bible translation other than NKJV I encourage you to look at this verse. 

Sin is like a parasite it needs a fuel source to thrive. It is like a tapeworm stealing nutrients from its unwitting host until the damage is so significant it cannot be overlooked. 

According to WebMD tapeworms can live up to 30 years in the human body, typically in the intestinal tract, growing upwards of 22 feet. Worse yet, the larva can escape the intestines causing damage to the liver, eyes, heart, and brain. Death is imminent if drastic measures are not taken. 

Are you getting squeamish about our discussion? Making vows to never eat undercooked meat again or travel abroad? I cannot begin to tell you the number of hours I have invested in random research like this when the real threat is far more sinister and prevalent, #belikedoeg.

Please do not make more effort to guard your life against something that can be cured with a single dose of prescription medicine and impacts fewer than 200,000 American citizens each year than you do to protect yourself from sin and evil. 

Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.

NKJV James 1:15

Guard your heart brothers and sisters in Christ, fortify your home and your life against the parasites of sin and evil. Be vigilant in all things. Do not lurk in the corners where guilt and shame multiply. Shine the light of the Lord on any darkness in your life. 

Jesus, I come before you today and lay myself at Your feet. I am a sinner saved by grace! I ask for forgiveness for the times I have lost my way and healing for past wounds left behind by sin. The Holy Spirit as my guide please help me to protect this life against the rampant evil that seeps from society. You are the cure. I have a higher call, to serve You, Lord.  
