To survive we must have a strong physical immune system, to thrive we must have a strong spiritual immune system.

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In Spring I spend countless hours thinking about lambs, there is the anticipation of lambing, the process of lambing, and the shepherding of the growing flock now filled with tiny curious cotton balls with four legs.

I have learned how to navigate complicated births and deal with the sadness surrounding loss but there is one area of lambing where I fall short and am completely inept. Lambs are born without a functioning immune system; they are tossed into this world with no way to defend their bodies against attack.

God in his infinite wisdom created a solution, colostrum the early milk of the ewe that helps protect the lamb for those first weeks of life. Without colostrum in the first 12-16 hours of life, the lamb’s outcome is certain death. 

20 Our soul waits for the Lord;

 He is our help and our shield.

Psalms 33:20 NKJV

God is our help and our shield, and scripture is the boost of immunity we need to calibrate our hearts and be sustained. The little lamb is not born with the knowledge that it lacks an immune system, that it must have colostrum to survive but it is born with the desire to be fed and it instinctually knows the source. We too were created with the desire to be fed, not only physically but also spiritually. To survive we must have a strong physical immune system, to thrive we must have a strong spiritual immune system. 

My Lord, my God, you are the creator of this world, you created the baby lamb and you crafted me. You alone are the source, and I must seek you. May I feel your presence this day and get the sustenance I crave through scripture. Strengthen my spiritual immune system, reset my heart, and let me thrive so I might bring you all the glory. Thank you, Jesus! -Amen 

May the words that flow from me Lord be filled with Your message and when I am obedient may they be backed by the Holy Spirit. When I serve righteously let none of the words, I utter in praise of You fall to the ground. Help me to craft every word, may they pierce hearts and refresh weary souls. This gift is Yours; God I simply aim to use it for your glory.

–Love Cortney