Face reality, don’t run, no matter how messy, God is there, LEAN IN!

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10 They say to the seers,

     “See no more visions!”

 and to the prophets,

     “Give us no more visions of what is right!

 Tell us pleasant things,

     prophesy illusions.

 11 Leave this way,

     get off this path,

 and stop confronting us

     with the Holy One of Israel!”

Isaiah 30:10-11 NIV

I find these two verses slightly humorous. I can imagine my daughter yelling at my son out of complete frustration, “stop pestering me!” Followed by, “Mom!!!!! He’s saying things to upset me!” Noah learned God is the hid and seek champion of the world. Some of the people of Judah went to Egypt to hide from God. They were tired of being bummed out by God’s prophets. They wanted to hear only pleasant things, the warm fuzzies about how great everything was. Yikes, can you imagine? I can, I have tried to hide from God, thankfully I did not end up being swallowed by a large fish! 

I had an employer years ago that used to say if the two of us always agree then one of us is not needed. If you find yourself surrounded by people echoing your ideas, you are in a trap. If you are tempted to flee from reality because the truth is hard to hear, do not run, call out to Jesus. You cannot escape God in Egypt or Timbuktu, God is always present. Face reality, don’t run, no matter how messy, God is there, LEAN IN!

Lord, I want you with me all my days. When life gets tough, steady my faith. The shelter I seek is not somewhere else, it is in Jesus. -Amen