A never-ending, never stopping, no matter what kind of love

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Read Time:1 Minute, 58 Second

Paul wrote First Timothy to his son in the faith, Timothy. I never grow tired of Paul’s writing style, but I find his fatherly warmth and humility in this letter particularly engaging. 

15 Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.

1 Timothy 1:15 NIV

That statement falls on me like a weighted blanket, the heaviness, and simultaneous comfort, of whom I am the worst. Christ Jesus did not come into this world to make friends or win popularity contests; Jesus came to save sinners. In a different season, this verse would have brought feelings of shame or adamant disagreement. If this is how it hits you, it is okay. Although I do not know where you are at, I have felt similar feelings. 

Today, this verse is like the fragrant aroma of a lemon balm applied to a sunburn. Yes, Jesus, of whom I am the worst! And yet, you love me unconditionally, not the fake love of society but a never-ending, never stopping, no matter what kind of love.

Jesus knows you are a sinner whether you confess it openly like Paul or not. I find great liberation from guilt and shame in the underserved forgiveness found in Jesus. Jesus came into this world to save sinners! Are you a sinner? Yes. Great news, Jesus came, died, and rose again or you. Yes you, reading this, this very second, Jesus knows you, even if you do not know him or even reject him as Paul did for a time. His unconditional remains steadfast. Call out to Jesus, confess you have fallen short, Jesus will welcome you home with love, compassion, and forgiveness. 

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of salvation and forgiveness poured out on me! For your mercy and love of sinners like me. I ask for your healing comfort on everyone who reads this, that they feel your abundant love and know they are precious to you. Thank you for this verse and the reminder from Paul of your mission to save souls. Jesus is worthy!! He shed His blood for us, He suffered and died on the Cross, He took on the burden of our sins. He redeemed us, he loves you unconditionally. -Amen