Free Gift

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And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace.

Romans 11:6 NIV

When I read this verse, I immediately understand the words, but do I fully comprehend the message Paul is sharing? He is talking about salvation, the free gift of salvation that is not granted on an earthly scale of worth. 

If you are one of those people who gets spun up by folks who do not return their shopping carts, I get it, but that is not a deal-breaker as far as God is concerned. Works do not get you into Heaven, Jesus does, salvation is by grace, but seriously put back your shopping carts.

It is easy to paint our understanding of human behavior and try to apply it to God, back to the scale of earthly worth. But that just is not the way our almighty Father operates, thank you, God! Grace is a free gift extended to you. Autocorrect, stop telling me that putting FREE and GIFT together in a sentence is unclear or redundant, it is not unclear or redundant it is salvation through grace, and it is because of the love of God for a bunch of super-duper unworthy people and the sacrifice of Jesus. 

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

Romans 10:9-10 NIV 

Heavenly Father, thank you for preserving scripture, the living and breathing Word to guide and shape our lives. I pray for those feeling a drop or a river of unworthiness in their hearts, touch them, Jesus, place a verse on their heart today to reassure them of your never-ending, all-powerful, unquenching love for them. Remind them of your sacrifice for them, may they feel the power of the free gift of salvation wash over them and renew their heart and mind. We have received a full pardon and are no longer bound by the earthly chains of sin and death. Thanks be to God! Jesus, you are my friend and savior, I will use this day to serve my King. -Amen 

May the words that flow from me Lord be filled with Your message and when I am obedient may they be backed by the Holy Spirit. When I serve righteously let none of the words, I utter in praise of You fall to the ground. Help me to craft every word, may they pierce hearts and refresh weary souls. This gift is Yours; God I simply aim to use it for your glory.

–Love Cortney

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