Breath of life

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I sit in bed, drinking coffee and reading the Bible. Few days start with coffee in bed. I am abundantly grateful for this early morning, our home still wrapped in a cloak of moonlight and darkness. I can see my chest rise and fall with each breath. As a lifelong asthmatic, you would think I should have an intimate connection to my oxygen source but like most things breathing is not on the “schedule” or “agenda” so I bulldoze right on by without a second thought until something goes wrong.

Place your hand on your heart and spend a few moments watching the rise and fall of your breath as it enters your lungs. If you are reading this post, you have likely survived childhood and navigated adversity along the way. Perhaps you woke this morning with a battle looming, or you are just weary. Can you stop reading for just a second, pause this day, and tell Jesus what is on your heart? He is listening, this very second and he wants to hear from you!

Return your attention to your heartbeat and breath. Stick with me, I promise it is worth it!

7 Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

Genesis 2:7 NIV

I get chills when I read, “and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.”

The reason I am here is God and his incredible gift of life. I do not know what this day holds for you or for me, but I know our mighty Father in Heaven has a divine plan and we are crafted with purpose. May we endeavor this day to seek God first, to not take for granted the breath of life, and to slow our pace so we can make room to experience the awe-inspiring beauty of creation. Wherever you are at this very moment Jesus will meet you there, there is nothing beyond his paygrade, no struggle he cannot navigate. And if you happen to still be sitting in bed drinking coffee give him praise, he is worthy, oh so worthy!

I pray that you pause the noise of the day and recognize the breath of life as it surges in and out of your lungs. That you feel the moving of the Holy Spirit as you draw near to the Word of God and are overcome by peace, a beautiful gift from our savior Jesus Christ. -Amen   

May the words that flow from me Lord be filled with Your message and when I am obedient may they be backed by the Holy Spirit. When I serve righteously let none of the words, I utter in praise of You fall to the ground. Help me to craft every word, may they pierce hearts and refresh weary souls. This gift is Yours; God I simply aim to use it for your glory.

–Love Cortney