Don’t be like Dante. 

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Many years ago I had a Dogo Argentino named Dante he was huge, white, and often mistaken for an overgrown Pitbull.

Dante circa 2007

Dante was born deaf; an unfortunate but fairly prevalent breed trait. Hearing tests were common protocols for breeders and most breeders culled (a nice way to say killed) the deaf pups. I mean who would want a 120-pound deaf mastiff?

If you guessed me, well, you guessed right. 

I convinced a breeder in Ohio to not only spare his life but send him to Idaho. I did all the research I could to provide the best life possible for him and Dante adjusted quite well to hand signs and facial expressions to communicate my expectations and level of happiness with his behavior. Except for one issue, Dante knew he was deaf. He clearly understood the concept that if he did not make eye contact you had no ability to communicate with him. It was frustrating yet mildly amusing to watch him eat trash off the floor that he pulled out of the trash can while you stood in the same room. His entire body posed to avoid eye contact as he devoured his bounty. I could almost read his thoughts, if I don’t make eye contact she isn’t even there. 

How many times do we treat God in a similar way? Like if we do not engage, He will not notice we are a hot mess? Like somehow if we ignore Him we are not responsible for our actions. As if we can blend in, and not stand out as He observes creation. The all-mighty creator of the universe doesn’t miss a beat and more importantly, He loves us no matter what. But we can and should do our best to honor our Creator with our thoughts and our actions. Don’t be like Dante. 

12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 

Romans 12:1 NIV   

The problem is it is easy to lose our way and often hard to stay on track! Every day, scratch that, every second of every day we must be intentional, and commit overserves again to serve our King. As D.L Moody once said: “The problem with a living sacrifice is that it keeps crawling off the altar.” It is so easy to hide our heads and try not to make eye contact, to avoid the Word of God, and to keep Jesus at arm’s length. But Jesus isn’t a solicitor knocking at your front door that if you ignore long enough, they will go away. When you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior, He moved in. Literally moved in and dwells. He isn’t at the door, he’s in the living room. You can choose to avoid eye contact but that does nothing to change his sacrifice, His grace, or His desire to connect with you. He knows everything and still loves you; He sees everything and still loves you. He claims you as His own. 

Mighty, mighty Jesus, my savior, and my friend. Thank you for your patience, love, and grace. Forgive me Lord as I stumble, wander, and drift on the whims of the world. I commit myself to you, with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my mind and with all my strength. (Mark 12:30). You see my worth when I question everything, your steadfast love is a beacon that draws me home. The refuge I seek is within reach, in you, my King. Amen