Word of the day

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It has been a busy week; I pause from packing my 7-year-old daughter and I’s things to write. We are leaving shortly for a 6-hour drive to another state where she will have eye surgery tomorrow, with the goal to turn back on vision in her left eye. I write this while my prayer alarm echoes reminding me, of less of me and more of Him. I write this with a heavy heart because this season has been a lot, but I also write this with great joy and optimism because I know that God’s plan is bigger than these things and although it feels heavy from where I stand God is still in control.

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28 NIV

My children have a word of the day flip chart, they are eager each morning to look at the word of the day and talk about the meaning. Today my 5-year-old son’s word is AMAZING, and my daughter’s word is HECTIC. That might be proof that God has a sense of humor. I have a word too; it was put on my heavy heart this week. Perhaps you too have been given a word this week to provide strength, encouragement, or sustenance. Maybe my word will minister to you as it continues to minister to me.


Although I know the word “abide” it is not a typical word in my vocabulary. I did some research, the word “abide” occurs 11 times in the Bible and it means to remain or stay.

31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.

John 8:31 NKJV

But I don’t have time to abide, I am having enough trouble remembering to breathe!

Exactly the point, isn’t it? Stay…. Remain…ABIDE.

In the Word, I find refuge, in the Word, I am given the bread of life, not the bread of the fallen condition, but the sustaining, life-giving bread of Jesus Christ my Savior.

I don’t know better than God, the one who knitted me together, counted the hairs on my head, the one who sent His ONLY son to suffer for my sins. He knows and His plans are for good!
So, I will abide. I will give thanks. I will accept the circumstances of the day knowing full well I am not alone. He is near.

I will abide