Open my eyes, Lord, that I might praise your mighty name.

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I saw the most glorious mountain range this morning for the first time; on a highway, I have traveled for decades. 

 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. 

Psalms 19:1

Right there, traveling 65 mph God brought me into his presence and it was breathtaking. The sleepy sun cast soft light over the ruddy foothills, the mountains were unfolding behind, lightly painted with pink and crisp white fluffy clouds. I couldn’t help but stare, to be pulled into the image that unfolded before me. Even as I write I know I’m not doing the scene justice, but I can also still feel the experience in my chest. God’s presence, sacred ground. 

I get it, life is full of demands and the endless juggle of priorities as we navigate any given season. It’s easy to live surrounded by the Glory of God and hardly notice. Perhaps the Lord feels distant, maybe the weight of the world is weighing heavy, and the days feel like walking through water. I know these feelings all too well. I have been there. 

If God can meet me on a two-lane highway at 65mph okay let’s be honest pushing 70mph, He can meet you at this moment. He is present, let Him in. Let Him in to nurture your soul, let Him hush the “should have, could have, would have’s” that threaten your peace and remind you of your place as a child of the King. 

Jesus, I humbly come before you today and give thanks for this day, for your sacrifice. Let me feel your presence, let me taste, smell, and see the beauty of your creation. Open my eyes, Lord, that I might praise your mighty name. -Amen