I should have gotten out of bed last night when I woke up thinking about a story, so I pray the Holy Spirit helps me share this message as it was intended. It is a story in John I have read multiple times but never understood as I do this morning. Jesus and the Samaritan…
Category: Dirt Road Devotion
Sometimes when I am in scripture, even scripture I have read countless times a word, phrase, or sentence jumps off the page and bites me. I feel the power in the words, it speaks to me as if beckoning me to stay a little while. To linger, to dig deeper, and to feel. Last night…
This has been on my heart the last few days and I wanted to share. Many gather the courage to go to Church and instead of the welcoming embrace of brothers and sisters in Christ they face condemnation which frankly should be a Four-letter word, but unfortunately, it has far too many letters. Jesus had…
Walking back from the mailbox suddenly a tiny dust devil kicked up in my pasture. For anyone unfamiliar with the term, it is a small whirlwind over land, visible as a column of dust and debris. In this case it was mostly comprised of dirt and leaves and about 30-40 feet tall. As it crossed…
Last year I started getting this feeling when I was reading scripture if I could put this feeling into words it said, “ask God to give you a mountain”. I felt it repeatedly probably because I did NOT ask. It scared me, not the feeling but of being obedient. What if I asked God to…