If the Lord has placed something on your heart, chasah His plan for you.

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I wrote this before I started the blog. There was a message at Church this morning that reminded me of it and I decided to share. It is okay to be scared, uncertain or even doubt but lean on Jesus. That is where you will find your solace and peace. I pray that it blesses you, just as reading it again blessed me.

When I felt called to share my writings I was overcome with anxiety. What do I have to offer? Others are more knowledgeable, better, worthy, able. I am not READY! I was concerned about the perception of others. The dialogue of “less than” and “not yet” thinking was incessant and overwhelming. Even as I complied with a timid heart, the battle to overcome my thoughts and be true was difficult. Chasah, which is used 37 times in the Old Testament, in Hebrew means: to trust, to hope; to make someone a refuge. What are you being called to do that you have resisted, tried to justify away, or ignore? What are you doing now with a timid heart? Call out to God and commit, I am ALL in Jesus! 

It’s is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.

Psalms 118:8 NKJV

I was more concerned over the thoughts and feelings of others than my obedience to God. We get to pick, obedience to our Lord and Savior or obedience to man. With me, there was also a feeling of inadequacy, and although I am ashamed to admit it a feeling that God picked wrong, I am not ready, I am not qualified. God does NOT make mistakes; he never has, and he never will (Isaiah 40:25-31). If you are being called, that message is for YOU, not your neighbor, friend, or spouse, it is for YOU. God sees us differently than we see ourselves and others (1 Samuel 16:7) and created us to serve His divine purpose. He knows our strengths and weaknesses better than we know ourselves (Exodus 4:10-11). If the Lord has placed something on your heart, chasah His plan for you. 

God, I am sorry for the times questioned Your plans for me, the times I ignored you and justified my disobedience. The times I followed you with a timid heart and not bold faith. I know that you have a plan for my life Lord, and all I must do is trust and be obedient to you. I lift my brothers and sisters in Christ to you God, renew their strength, and remind them of their purpose and value. Trust-fall into the arms of Jesus, He is worthy of worship! -Amen