Just as the jagged rocks from the mountains are transformed into smooth river stones under the force of the current, so are we.

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How is your prayer life? Why does that feel like such a personal question?

Scripture has quite a bit to say about prayer. An index search in the back of my bible under the words Pray, Prayed, Prayer and Prayers has 56 verses referenced which are scattered throughout the Old and New Testament. My prayer life ebbs and flows, but I aspire to live a life of seamless prayer without transition. One like Brother Lawrence who treated his devotional time no different than the time he spent in the kitchen cleaning pans. Everything he did was to bring glory to God, and he maintained a keen awareness of this connection in all things. When my prayer life needs attention, I am like a child skipping rocks into a swift river, my rocks are immediately pulled under by the mighty current and no trace is left behind.

When I am connected to God through prayer according to his will, it is like being in a mighty river. God’s will, is always there, He’s God just as the power of the river carves away the bank and is not deterred by obstacles that impede its path.

14 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.

1 John 5:14-15 NKJV

Ever watch a powerful river navigate a freshly downed tree or overtake a boat? I have personally witnessed both. A river is a profound power of nature, harnessed only by the banks it simultaneously carves. Nothing is going to change the will of God but learning to steep in the river of his will is transforming. Just as the jagged rocks from the mountains are transformed into smooth river stones under the force of the current, so are we.

Lord thank you for this personal connection to you through prayer! God help me pray confidently in the river of Your will. Thank you for Your grace, and Your desire not for perfect prayers but just that we lift our hearts to You in prayers. Forgive me for my weak prayer life and for illuminating 1 John 5:14-15 for me today.

I need you, Jesus. In your name, I pray, Amen.