We are being called to keep mercy and truth with us always as precious tools never to be left behind.

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I do not spend enough time in Proverbs, and I should commit to being there more often. If it has been a while since you opened the book of Proverbs or you have never cracked it open I encourage you to spend a few minutes this week reading there.  The wisdom shared by Solomon is a gift just waiting to be unwrapped.

Let now mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. 

Proverbs 3:3 NKJV

We are being called to keep mercy and truth with us always as precious tools never to be left behind. Truth is biblical truth NOT the popular notion of individualistic truth, the belief that we can all live our “own truths.” We abide by biblical truth as the bedrock of our Faith.

Lord, let me carry mercy and truth with me as constant companions always looking for opportunities to strengthen Your Kingdom. Heavenly Father grant me discernment so that I may accurately sort popular notions from biblical truth. Help me find ways to show mercy in rush hour traffic, the grocery store, and my own home. May everything, I do today bring glory to You God. If I fall short forgive me, thank you for the blessing of grace and mercy so freely bestowed on me. I love you, Jesus.
