Where you feel the Lord is leading you somewhere and you want to be obedient, but you get lost in the details.

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I am going to tattle on myself so get ready for it! Over two months ago I felt like I was being encouraged to spread my writing to a larger audience. Specifically, start a blog. I was all in, a blog got it, I know nothing about blogs so that is a little scary, larger audience also scary, but I jumped right in, to figure it all out. I was ready to answer the call and create a blog! 45 minutes later, I was overwhelmed not only by the options but also by the cost. Do blogs cost money? Wait, what…

Has something like this ever happened to you? 

Where you feel the Lord is leading you somewhere and you want to be obedient, but you get lost in the details. That was me, I was so tangled up in options and pricing and website names and ALL of it that I just put it aside. I ignored it, for a full month, and then one night I awoke about 1 am, and I could not sleep for TWO HOURS. I laid in bed that entire time because I was committed to sleeping but the only thing running around in my manic brain was BLOG!!! 

He said,

But why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’ and not do the things which I say?

Luke 6:46 NKJV 

I recommitted to the Lord that I would indeed figure it all out and start a blog. I quickly got back to sleep that night and here we are, a month in on my brand-new baby blog. I have no idea where this journey will lead but when called we are expected to be obedient. I took some liberties with my obedience and that is not okay. I share it openly because we all fall short, and to affirm the steadfast love of God never ceases. 

Lord forgive me when I try to do things on my terms or become overwhelmed and ignore your desire for me. Thank you, Father, for fortifying me, sustaining me, and reminding me of my purpose, the refining fire. I will use this day to serve my King! 
