When Jesus is the master of your life no matter how messy, broken, or confused the world becomes HE can mend it.

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There are verses of the Bible that serve as battle cries, others to insight worship, provide wisdom, or refuge. The love story of the Bible is filled with verses that compel emotion; the power of the Word is eternal. There are three little words that every time I read or say, I am overcome with a wave of calm and quiet. 

Peace be still.

Jesus and the disciples are on the water, in several small boats when a storm comes up, the water begins to swell, and the disciples fear their boats will be overcome by the waves. Growing up in Alaska, I have been in some big ocean swells in a small boat, and I have experienced the uncomfortable feeling of complete insignificance in the ocean. While the wind whips around them and the waves start to overtake the boats, Jesus is sleeping in the back of the boat. I can imagine the scene as they try to bail water out of the boat with whatever they have, maybe all they have is their hands clasped together in a makeshift cup. The boats are filled with panic and they are quickly losing their battle with the wind and the waves. 

38 But He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?”

39 Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. 40 But He said to them, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” 

Mark 4:39-40 NKJV

Peace be still those three little words can calm a raging sea and comfort my manic heart. Jesus is the key. I like how it is described in Psalms 65:7

7 You who still the noise of the seas,

 The noise of their waves,

 And the tumult of the peoples.

Psalms 65:7 NKJV 

Tumult is an underused word it describes a ruckus, a state of confusion and uncertainty produced by a group of people. This is indeed what was going on that day while Jesus slept and the storm raged, the tumult of the people. But Jesus with three little words put everything back as it should be. When Jesus is the master of your life no matter how messy, broken, or confused the world becomes HE can mend it. Peace be still. 

Lord that day you calmed the ocean with three little words, Peace be still. This verse is just as alive today as it was the day on that boat. May I have great faith that rests in knowing you are the key to peace and everlasting life. When the storm of the world rages on, help me remember those three little words, peace be still. Jesus, I need you, I love you.


May the words that flow from me Lord be filled with Your message and when I am obedient may they be backed by the Holy Spirit. When I serve righteously let none of the words, I utter in praise of You fall to the ground. Help me to craft every word, may they pierce hearts and refresh weary souls. This gift is Yours; God I simply aim to use it for your glory.

–Love Cortney