Not all positions of power look or even feel powerful. But the most powerful thing we can do is to pray and have faith. We have countless examples of bold faith and prayer in the Bible:
-March around the wall (Joshua 6:1–27)
-Prepare a sacrifice without fire (1 Kings 18:1-39)
But this is not always easy, at least not for me. When I first got sober my prayers felt like the ugly tears of my soul, raw, with lots of sniffling and whining. But they were SINCERE, not my typical highlight reel to the Lord, everything is good, Rah, Rah. You may fool the world; I sure did. But you will not fool God, worth repeating YOU WILL NOT FOOL GOD. If you are telling God what you think he wants to hear the only person you are fooling is yourself.
Get real with the Lord in your prayers, give bountiful thanks and share your struggles. He is a good Father, he will listen, Matthew 7:7-12.
Glorious Father in Heaven, thank you for giving Your children direct access to you through faith and prayer. May we always remember to use this connection you built in powerful and sincere ways. We love you Jesus. Glory, Glory, Glory to God! -Amen
May your faith be a beacon that guides the lost home.