What barrier is keeping you from a closer relationship with Jesus?

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When I read about the Israelites in Exodus and Numbers, all the times God rescued them, provided for them, and contrast that with all the whining, complaining, and downright disrespect many showed to God it is easy to judge. To think, goodness gracious God is feeding and providing for you, yet you are so ungrateful. What a bunch of complainers! 

Danger! Danger! Danger! Thinking like that is a snare set by the enemy. 

What is different today? 

The Lord provides, even sacrificed his son on the cross for our salvation and yet this world ignores the Creator of the Universe, mocks him, worships many idols, and openly brags about it on unlimited social media platforms. We are in many ways no different from the Israelites longing to eat the food of oppression, complaining about the literal bread from Heaven. 

We remember the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost—also the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions, and garlic. But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!”

Numbers 11:5-6 NIV 

We are all guilty, all fall short, yet the love of Jesus remains steadfast. The experience of the Israelites in the Bible is not an outdated historical account it is a relevant example of human behavior in a fallen world. 

Do you worship the idol of perfection? Are you a slave to your job? What would you do for a Klondike bar?* What barrier is keeping you from a closer relationship with Jesus? We must intentionally draw our focus back to our mighty King and Savior every minute of every day.

Heavenly Father, forgive me for the countless times I grumbled and complained. For the times I was drawn away from you in idol worship. Thank you, Jesus, for your sacrifice on the cross for me. For the times I called out to you in despair, over and over screaming your name yet never pausing to hear your voice. Forgive me, Father. Thank you for your abounding mercy and love. -Amen 

*Klondike Bar reference explained: