Never, never, never be uprooted again

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I often think about the peace we have in Jesus, that indescribable contentment no matter the storm. When we seek refuge in Jesus and dwell in the Word, we are given a deeply rooted perspective of life and priorities. I must confess, although I know the peace available to me in Jesus, I am all too often pulled back into the chaos of life, where I pretend to be in control. I am sure to God these moments look much like I would view someone who does not know how to swim furiously dog paddling and sinking while yelling in sheer panic, “I’m okay!” but that’s just me right? Thank you, Jesus, for your patience with sinners like me!

Amos, a simple shepherd called by God. Do you notice how many of the stories of the bible involve simple folks with modest lives? Then why are we so surprised when God wants to use us? Why do we think we are not ready when he calls us? Thankfully when God knocked Amos answered the call with a fiery determination to serve. Thanks be to God!

The last verse in the book of Amos is a powerful promise to the Israelites and all who nestle safely in their cozy cocoons of complacency. God doesn’t just want your Sunday morning, your Wednesday evening, he doesn’t just want your ministry or your bible study, he wants ALL of you. If we heed His request Amos 9:15 is the promise and it is breathtaking.

I will plant Israel in their own land,
never again to be uprooted
from the land I have given them,”
says the Lord your God.

Amos 9:15 NIV

Jesus wants to grant us peace, eternal peace, and the safety of never being uprooted again. Never, never, never be uprooted again. We are the Lord’s people; we have a home in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Are you up for it? Call out to Jesus and let him know just how grateful you are!

Lord, thank you for your infallible holy book, and the call you have placed on our lives. Let us answer the call like Amos and never forget the peace we have in Jesus. Heavenly Father, help us to not only read scripture but to untangle ourselves from the chaos of society so we may live by your Word and never be uprooted again. I pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ, my savior, and my friend. -Amen