Junk drawer emptied on a trampoline.

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My mind routinely feels like a junk drawer emptied on a trampoline. All those random things are being tossed around, colliding, rolling, and bouncing. Please tell me that you have a junk drawer in your home. You know the spot that starts with good intentions and purpose but eventually evolves into a place to shove all the randomness. I have two. Every once in a while that junk drawer needs a good purge. 

23 Search me, God, and know my heart;

     test me and know my anxious thoughts.

Psalms 139:23 NIV

Jesus, help me purge this junk drawer of my mind. 

24 See if there is any offensive way in me,

     and lead me in the way everlasting.

Psalms 139:24 NIV

Our minds serve a purpose; to bring glory to God. Over time, just like that junk drawer, it can wander from its original design. Left long enough it might even be hard to know what that true purpose was. But all hope is not lost, we can at any time, at any place empty that junk drawer of our mind, empty all that doesn’t serve and bring glory to God and be renewed. 

Thank you, Jesus, for saving me, for your never stopping, never ceasing, grace, love, and patience. For scripture, the real and true word of God, and for taking the time to make deep personal connections with sinners like me. I love you Jesus and I will use this day to serve my King! -Amen