This life goes so fast and it’s easy to get stuck in the clutter of the day and forget the meaning behind it all.

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Today 18 years ago I met my husband and although it was some time after we started dating today is the anniversary of the first time, I saw him. Although 18 years seems like an incredibly long time it went fast and, in a few months, we will celebrate the 7th birthday of our daughter, the 5th birthday of our son, and our 15th wedding anniversary. Time ticks on, and there is beauty in pausing to reflect on the journey.

As I reflect on the past 18 years, I can see the hand of God in our lives. Even when the Lord was the last thing on my mind, He was there to guide me and when I found myself overwhelmed and looking for answers He patiently waited on me. Anyone who knows me knows my stubborn streak, the only person who knows it better is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God should have forsaken me, 1,000 times, scratch that, 1 million times but his steadfast love remained. He’s had His hand on it all. 

For I am the Lord your God

     who takes hold of your right hand

 and says to you, Do not fear;

     I will help you.

-Isaiah 41:13 NIV

I am exceptionally grateful for the steadfast love of our God and that Jesus desires a personal connection with each of us. If you don’t know Jesus that’s okay because Jesus knows you. I can assure you He not only knows you, but He loves you and prays for you. I pray for you too. 

If you know Jesus, I encourage you at some point this week to pause and reflect, to find the hand of our mighty Lord and Savior on your life, and give thanks. For He is our Lord, and He promises to help us, to hold our hand and comfort our hearts. This life goes so fast and it’s easy to get stuck in the clutter of the day and forget the meaning behind it all.

Thank you, mighty Jesus, for holding my hand in this life, encouraging me to reflect, for loving me when I act unlovable, and for never giving up on me. Help me to quiet my mind, practice stillness and reflect on your steadfast love and presence. Anchor me in Your Word and remind me of Your plan. Thank you, God, Amen.