Heaven’s breath

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Winter has come, and the slight brisk chill of the morning has been replaced with a hard freeze. Some mornings it’s hard to prepare to step outside, the warm fire crackling and snuggling children beckoning me to stay just a moment longer. Life is like that too, we cannot always stay in the warmth, sometimes we are called, sometimes we are pushed, and sometimes obligation requires us to step beyond comfort.

As I stepped outside, I was struck by the intensity of the quiet, the only sound was the crackling of the frozen grass under my steps. The harsh bite of winter surprised even the trees which still cling to their green leaves with tenacity. The green is a profound contrast against the icy white. My breath was a swirl of smoke twisting and turning in front of my face before floating away. My body stills as I’m mesmerized by my breath the way it dances and floats up and away. Like the verse in Revelations 8:4 NIV

The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand.

Revelations 8:4 NIV

Scripture tells us that just like the smoky breath from my lungs on a crisp morning our prayers, the prayers of God’s people rise before Him. The breath in our lungs and our hearts cry is heard by God. Every prayer from God’s people is delivered to our Creator. The one who put the breath in our lungs hears every word. Wow, I will never look at my smoky breath the same way, will you? 

I finished my chores in reverence, so grateful for this revelation. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. For patiently listening to our prayers and lavishing us with your loving kindness. May the focus of my day rest on your goodness and every breath I take sing of your mercy. -Amen