You alone can and will redeem. 

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In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7 These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

1 Peter 1:6-7 NIV 

In the middle of a trial, it’s hard to imagine the good. Everything feels like too much, as if the volume of the world has been increased ten-fold and only those who shout are heard. I do not want to shout. I want to silence it all and find you Jesus. But as I walk around the rooms of my heart, I still feel lonely. I come up empty. 

Why do you feel so far away? 

I need your comfort and your friendship, and I cling to the promises in scripture. I confess I’m weary Lord, I’m sad, and although I know you will never forsake me and are with me, I feel alone. This season has sharp edges that pierce. Only you can ease the burden, only you can soften the edges and mend the wounds. 

You alone can and will redeem. 

You are good all the time, even when I want to shatter into a million pieces and rejoicing seems impossible. Yes, even then, you are good. You still move, and my hope and trust are in you, Jesus. You suffered and died for me, you are not surprised by anything, and you will never forsake me. In the refining fires you are near even if it doesn’t feel that way. The prayers I weep, shout, and sing are all heard by you. You move, and I cling to my faith. I surrender all of me because what I need most in this moment is all of you, Jesus. 

Whatever the cause, no matter the cost the strength of the Lord is available to all of us. His proximity to you hasn’t changed but the devil is in the distance, so hold tight to Jesus, hold tight to the promises in scripture, send up fervent prayers and wait on Him. He is good, all the time. Thank you, my King! -Amen