He sees my heart, and He sees yours too…

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I didn’t stay up until midnight on New Year’s eve, and I got sober years ago, morning will come at the same time the next day Lord willing. Why be tired? I want a new broom for my birthday, and I have held a 20-minute conversation extolling the merits of my O-cedar mop (if you know you know, seriously the best mop ever). I refuse to stunt my children’s development by sugarcoating a fallen world, we do real even when it’s ugly. 

Life is an interesting beast and the more miles I get on these tires the less I want to pretend to be anything but authentic. The less I want to be anything but in Jesus.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God

1 Corinthians 10:31

Oh and how I fall short, crash and burn every single day. 

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God 

Romans 3:23 NIV

I am not proud of my failings, but I am quick to confess my failings (most of the time) and my desire to bind myself to Jesus is steadfast. 

When I get to Heaven, I will be thrilled to meet Jesus there will be nothing better, but I pray I get to meet Paul because his anointed, Spirit filled words are still pulling punches setting me straight close to 1,967 years later. Sometimes I become frustrated by my progress on my walk with Jesus. I get irritated with my children, and the best of me doesn’t pour out. I allow the world to dictate my joy, and I lose my path.

Have you ever felt that way?

Leave it to Paul to set me straight. 

20 When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness. 21 What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death!

Romans 6:20-21 NIV

I might become frustrated, but I am no longer a slave to sin because I did bind myself to Jesus. I might fall short of the glory of God but am no longer doing the backstroke in a sin-filled swimming pool. When I look back at the things, I am ashamed of, I was not walking with the Lord. Jesus wraps unworthy me in his cloak of righteousness. He swaddles me in His love on my best and my worst days.

He sees my heart, and He sees yours too. 

He doesn’t care if you stayed up until midnight on New Year’s eve.

If you would rather be tortured than sustain a conversation about a mop (but it really is the best mop ever).

Of if the idea of a broom for a birthday sounds so boring it’s laughable. 

He sees your heart and loves you even when you feel unlovable. What a friend we have in Jesus, that He loves us despite all our shortcomings, and when we fall short or stray from our walk, He ALWAYS welcomes us home with open arms. He ALWAYS wraps us in His cloak of righteousness and calls us friends. 

Thank you, Jesus, for your love and sacrifice. For seeing my heart even when I stumble and fall. For loving me unconditionally and calling me a friend. -Amen