I am not just a number; I am a child of God.

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God will provide instruction and guidance I am only required to listen, repent and act.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;

 I will guide you with My eye.

Psalms 32:8 NKJV

God, I cannot see over this hill, but you can and your promise in Psalms 32:8 is to guide me with your omnipotent eye. The eye of God, the Creator of the Universe, ALL knowing wants to guide me. Wow, thank you Heavenly Father! I trust you Jesus, and I freely follow you on this journey. 

My prayer for those reading this, that they may be strengthened by this scripture. Resting in the comfort of Your Word. Recognizing that God will instruct, teach, and guide His people. Even if you do not know Jesus, rest assured He knows you.*

God, thank you for your mercy and your love, may I use every breath I take today in remembrance of my freedom and Your sacrifice. I am not just a number; I am a child of God. 

I wrote another post on Psalms 32, if you want to bible study the entire Psalm check out one titled, Complaining shifts the focus, confession is the great equalizer.

*If you do not have a personal relationship the Jesus and you are reading this and desire to know Him please reach out to me in messenger or email and I will pray with you. He loves you and He wants to have a personal relationship you you!