“beep beep”

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I live on a farm in the country, typical morning sounds this time of year include the crow of the roosters, the crackle of the fire, and the hum of our freezer which is on its last leg. We live several miles from a gravel quarry. If I am up early enough and the weather is exactly right, I can hear the backup alarm “beep beep” on the construction equipment loud and clear, as if it is working outside the front door to my home. 

As the day progresses, cars start traveling the roadways and my children wake, I lose that sound. The gravel quarry did not stop working, it runs 12–14-hour days, I am sure they still move equipment with backup alarms, but I cannot hear it clearly. It is still possible to hear the sound but more difficult with all the other distractions of life.

This is like the guidance of the Holy Spirit and our communication with God. God is always present, but you must be ready to seek Him and to listen. Just like the “beep beep” I hear* God best in stillness. As I write this a flock of geese flew over my home, they would have been easy to ignore with the incessant tapping of my fingers but I stopped and tuned in. Tune into God through wholehearted prayer. 

You NEVER give up on Your people God, you always are there, guiding them home. Help me to listen, to recognize the signs of Your presence in my life and show gratitude. Let me tune in, spending time in the Word, journaling, and praying. I want to live in harmony with your Word, always listening, always feeling, always loving, and always worshipping you God.

28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30 NKJV

Jesus, you paid the ultimate sacrifice for generations of people you never met including me. I desire a personal relationship with You. In You Lord is where I find my rest, may I seek you all my days. -Amen 

*for anyone reading this that is unfamiliar with the concept of hearing God. I understand how that can sound confusing. I am not describing a booming voice from Heaven that I hear audibly. I am talking about a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior through scripture, prayer and listening for internal guidance of the Holy Spirit. Scripture is the ultimate confirmation of the Word of God and it is as relevant today as when written.