Just as the jagged rocks from the mountains are transformed into smooth river stones under the force of the current, so are we.

How is your prayer life? Why does that feel like such a personal question? Scripture has quite a bit to say about prayer. An index search in the back of my bible under the words Pray, Prayed, Prayer and Prayers has 56 verses referenced which are scattered throughout the Old and New Testament. My prayer…

Buried treasure

My children love taking our metal detector out on our property to look for and discover buried treasure. The raw joy that washes over their faces as the beeping grows louder and more consistent is priceless. Just as we have located the spot a flurry of digging begins. They wonder loudly and speculate what it…

Worthy is the Lamb

If you asked me what my favorite book in the Bible is, I would be hard-pressed to answer. When read in its entirety the book of Job is incredibly powerful, but I would stumble over many of the letters written by Paul which hold a special place in my heart, and then there is James…