Do you know who you are?

I was driving behind a vehicle the other day and there was a sticker on the back window. I followed the vehicle for some time and was unable or unwilling to put the effort into reading it. We had places to be, two children chattering, the dash clock counting down the minutes until we were…

Not enough roots

We spent a few days in the mountains, the raw workmanship of God in nature is breathtaking.  The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalms 19:1 NIV  Before heading home, my daughter finds a small flowering plant and picks it, stem and all. She put it in…

God’s people

I read a quote yesterday and it’s been rolling repeatedly in my head, I am like a child with a new treasure, I can’t put it down. Wickedness may increase and abound, but when the Lord raises His flag over the saint, it is victory. -Smith Wigglesworth I want to put an exclamation mark at…

Embrace uncertainty

We have had a dry spring in Idaho, a record drought according to those who keep track of seasonal weather patterns. Then last week, the weather changed as if all the seasons decided to come at once and do battle over Southwestern Idaho. Yesterday in an hour, it hailed, hard enough to hurt, and turned…